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The Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc.

commemorates the death of Gabriela Mistral



New York Times, January 11, 1957



It is so important that we take time to remember and acknowledge influential historical figures who have helped shape the world such as Nobel Prize winner Gabriela Mistral, an influential woman in both Latin literature and in community advocacy.  It inspiring to see that her charitable legacy has lived on through the Gabriela Mistral Foundation which, even 60 years after her passing, is still completing her work by assisting the disadvantaged children and elderly throughout Chile.”


-North Hempstead Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth

North Hempstead, NY

January 10, 2017


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"Hace 60 años nos dejó Gabriela Mistral, Premio Nobel de Literatura. Murió en Nueva York, apreciada tarde por su propio país, pero nunca olvidada.  Poetisa, diplomática y pedagoga, fue una visionaria y una mujer libre. Que gran representante de Chile en el mundo fue nuestra Lucila Godoy Alcayaga".


Heraldo Muñoz

Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile

"Gabriela Mistral, Nobel Prize in Literature, left us 60 years ago.  She died in New York and her country was late in showing its appreciation, but she was never forgotten. A Poet, diplomat, teacher, she was a visionary and a free woman. What a great representative in the world Chile had in our Lucila Godoy Alcayaga."


Heraldo Muñoz

Minister of Foreign Affairs

of Chile

"Al enterarse del fallecimiento de Gabriela Mistral, el entonces Secretario General de la Organización de Estados Americanos expreso: 'La muerte de Mistral es una gran pérdida, no solo para Chile, sino que también para el mundo cultural y para América. Hemos perdido a uno de los gigantes.' Estas palabras que expresan el sentir de un pueblo, un continente, un mundo fueron apropiadas en Enero de 1957 y lo son también—y quizás incluso más—hoy, seis décadas mas tarde.


A medida de que los años y las décadas transcurren, hemos tenido la oportunidad y privilegio de conocer las múltiples facetas de Gabriela Mistral–-como maestra, poetisa, diplomática, intelectual, periodista, humanista—y darnos cuenta que su pensamiento, escritos, obra, profundo humanismo y misión de justicia y respeto a todos los pueblos, y su deseo de servir es lo que el mundo de hoy necesita cada día mas.


Gloria Garafulich-Grabois


Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc.




Newsday - January 10, 1957                          courtesy of H. Kroplick, No.Hempstead Town Historian


"Upon learning of the death of Gabriela Mistral, the then Secretary General of the Organization of American States said: 'the death of Mistral is a great loss, not only for Chile, but also for world culture and for America. We have lost one of the giants.''These words, that express the feelings of the people, a continent and of the world, were apropriate in January 1957 , and  also --and perhaps even more--today, six decades later. .


As the years and decades , we have had the opportunity and privilege of knowing the multiple facets of Gabriela Mistral--as teacher, poet, diplomat, intelectual, journalist, humanitarian--and,—y to realize that her thought, writings, work, profound humanism, sense/mission of justice and respect of all people, and her desire to serve is what our world of today needs, each day even more.


Gloria Garafulich-Grabois


Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc.



Newsday - January 11, 1957                               courtesy of H. Kroplick, No.Hempstead Town Historian



Roslyn News - January 16, 1957                   courtesy of the Bryant Library, Roslyn, NY


“Beyond the achievement of being the first Latin American writer to receive the Nobel Prize for Literature, Gabriela Mistral’s work as a community advocate makes her truly unforgettable.  On the 60th anniversary of her passing it is only fitting that we recognize the very important work that the Gabriela Mistral Foundation does in carrying on Gabriela Mistral’s legacy of helping both children and the elderly in Chile. “


– Councilman Peter Zuckerman

North Hempstead, NY

January 10, 2017


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“In commemoration of the 60th anniversary of her death, I would like to once again recognize the remarkable life of Gabriela Mistral, a prominent resident of the Town of North Hempstead. From 1953 until her death on January 10, 1957, Gabriel Mistral lived on Spruce Street in Roslyn Harbor. In addition to being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1945, Ms. Mistral was a visionary leader in the advancement of women’s rights and the education of children. On July 18, 2015, Town Supervisor Judi Bosworth, Councilman Peter Zuckerman and I, acting as the Town Historian, joined officials of Roslyn Harbor, the Gabriela Mistral Foundation,  the Consulate General of Chile and the Chilean community to celebrate the life of Gabriela Mistral. Her remarkable achievements were celebrated with the placement of a bronze historical marker at the site near her former Roslyn Harbor home. It reads “she dedicated her life and work defending women’s rights and the rights of children living in poverty; those with “piecectios de niños, azulosos de frio.”


- Howard Kroplick, Town Historian

North Hempstead, NY

January 10, 2017


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Mistral, Presente...!!!

(A sesenta años de su partida, 1957 - 2017)


"Mistral, sesenta años de aparente ausencia, que han sido cada vez más presencia de nuestra pionera en los derechos de la mujer, los niños y los indígenas de América. Su profundo legado, la sitúa en la cima de los temas que más importan hoy, desde una perspectiva visionaria que no termina de asombrarnos, en base a su obra que pareciera seguir escribiéndose y creciendo".



–Theodoro Elssaca

Fundación IberoAmericana

Santiago de Chile

January 10, 2017


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"It is a great honor to recognize the life and contributions of Gabriela Mistral, a remarkable Chilean woman who graced the world with her creativity, strength, and commitment to education. As a Chilean American, I and many others, consider her an outstanding and a powerful role model for youth throughout the world. From very humble beginnings she grew to become one of the world's most recognized writers, winning the Nobel Prize for Literature. We are blessed to have had her among us, here on Long Island where she spent her final days. On the anniversary of her passing, we honor this amazing leader and artist."


--Maria Elisa Cuadra-Fernandez,

Executive Director/CEO, COPAY Inc., 
Faculty, Adelphi University, School of Social Work

January 10, 2017


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The death of Gabriela Mistral

Video: Museo G.Mistral Vicuña


Death of Gabriela Mistral

Arrival in Lima, Peru

before continuing on to Santiago, Chile



Gabriela Mistral's Mausoleoum

Montegrande, Chile




Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc.

Ansonia Station

P. O. Box 230177

New York, New York, 10023




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