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21 Pianos for Chile

a project in collaboration with Bushell Pianos & Adra Chile


About the Project | Sobre el proyecto


The project consisted of the donation of a total of 21 pianos to Chile. The goal of the project was to donate these instruments to schools and organizations that can benefit from having a piano in order to offer/expand/enrich their Music Programme to their students and communities.


The beneficiaries were selected by the

Gabriela Mistral Foundation

and the 

Elqui Valley Foundation



El proyecto consistió en la donación de un total de 21 pianos a Chile. El objetivo de este proyecto fue donar estos instrumentos a escuelas y organizaciones que se beneficien teniendo su piano con el fin de ofrecer/expandir/enriquecer el Programa de Música para sus estudiantes y comunidad.  Los beneficiarios fueron seleccionados por

Gabriela Mistral Foundation


Elqui Valley Foundation

We are grateful to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile  and the Ministry of Education of Chile for their assistance with this project and to our partner in Chile, ADRA Chile


Agradecemos a. Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de Chile y al Ministerio de Education

por su asistencia en este proyecto y a nuestro partner en Chile, ADRA Chile

The Gabriela Mistral Foundation is a non-profit organization incorporated in the State of New York and has just celebrated its 10th anniversary. Its mission is to promote the legacy of Gabriela Mistral and to provide benefits and programs that make an impact in the lives of children and seniors in need and that offer new opportunities to children in vulnerable areas in Gabriela's native Chile. In keeping with this important mission, it is with great pleasure that we announce that on Friday, April 6, 2018 the Gabriela Mistral Foundation and the Elqui Valley Foundation completed the delivery of our project: 



The project consisted in the donation of a total of 21 pianos and benches to Chile. 


The goal of the project was to donate these instruments to schools and organizations that can benefit from having a piano in order to offer/ expand/enrich their Music Program to their students and communities.


The Gabriela Mistral Foundation and Elqui Valley Foundation (a private foundation) purchased and shipped 21 pianos and benches from the United States to Chile. The beneficiaries were selected by both foundations. The pianos were donated to various schools and community organizations in Chile—such as to: Easter Island, Isla Juan Fernandez, Temuco, Montegrande, San Bernardo, Puente Alto, to name a few.


The pianos were sent in a 40ft. container which arrived at the Port of San Antonio after a journey of 3 weeks.  Upon arrival, the container was taken from San Antonio to a warehouse in Peñalolen from where they were distributed to the beneficiaries on Friday, April 6, 2018.


For this project, the Foundation has also had the collaboration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile, Ministry of Education and the Ministry of the Treasury, and we are closely working with ADRA Chile—our partner in Chile—to secure the logistics of the transportation of the container and distribution. 


The President and the Vice President of the Gabriela Mistral Foundation will expressly travel to Chile to deliver each one of the pianos to the beneficiaries to ensure not only its proper and secure distribution but also to deliver this gift of the piano and to convey the great interest we have in the children not only of their organizations and communities, but our interest in all of the children from Chile.


"Fieles a la misión de nuestra fundación de continuar el legado de Gabriela Mistral--en forma particular su amor y dedicación a los niños y adultos en necesidad de su amado Chile--Gabriela Mistral Foundation promueve y celebra la vida, obra y logros literarios y humanitarios de Mistral; y entrega programas y proyectos a organizaciones que hacen un impacto en la calidad de vida y oportunidades de quienes reciben el beneficio. Nos encontramos hoy, después de muchos meses, incontables emails,  llamados, trámites, etc, felices de poder entregar estos 21 Pianos para Chile.Los pianos no sólo representan un instrumento musical, lo que ciertamente es maravilloso, pero para los niños de Chile y el mundo, también representan la oportunidad de que éstos tengan un importante rol en el desarrollo intelectual, motriz y de sus sentidos de quienes se acerquen a el.

La música y el acceso a un instrumento musical es fundamental para el desarrollo integral de los niños y jóvenes. Es nuestro deseo que los profesores y adultos insten a los niños a acercarse al piano . . . a comenzar a "teclear", a desarrollar los sentidos . . . sin duda es posible que nuestros próximos pianistas connotados puedan ser uno de estos niños o niñas.

En nombre de nuestro directorio, expreso nuestro profundo agradecimiento a quienes guiarán a los niños y niñas en esta nueva aventura musical."


--Gloria Garafulich-Grabois

Presidenta, Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc.

Gabriela Mistral Foundation has the pleasure of presenting and sharing with you a song by Chilean Croatian composer  Franco Ferrera Cvitanović in honor of Gabriela Mistral entitled

"Fuiste reina junto al sol,"

performed by Fernanda Ferrera Cvitanović

The song was presented for the first time at the April 6, 2018 ceremony for the delivery of the project

"21 Pianos for Chile"


We congratulate and thank Mr. Ferrara for this generous gesture

and we congratulate Ms. Ferrara for her outstanding performance






Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc.

Ansonia Station

P. O. Box 230177

New York, New York, 10023




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