co-editor; Writer, Poet, Professor at Wellesley College; Member of the Advisory Board of the Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc. Her most recent book "I Lived on Butterfly Hill," has received five important awards.
co-editor, President of the G.Mistral Foundation; Founder and International Director of the Chapter in Chile of the NMWA
Contributor; Gabriela Mistral's last executor. Ms. Atkinson donated the Mistral Legacy to Chile.
Chilean Franciscan priest, and is the Director of the Saint Francis Colonial Art Museum and the Director of the Gabriela Mistral Franciscan Fund, which was established to collect and distribute the royalties of Mistral's works to benefit the children of Montegrande
Poet, translator, essayist, and scholar of inter-American literature
credit: Columna Villarroya
Contributor; Former First Lady of Chile and Humanitarian. Holds a degree in Family and Human Relations from Universidad Mayor. For many years Ms. Morel has worked to support causes dealing with women's and children's issues. During her years as First Lady of Chile, she was a great promoter of Mistral--her literary and humanitarian work. She was awarded a Special Recognition for her Humanitarian work in 2014 by the Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc.
David Unger, a Guatemalan-born novelist and translator, was awarded his country’s Miguel Angel Asturias National Literature Prize for 2014 even though he writes exclusively in English and lives in the U.S. His fifth novel The Mastermind (New York: Akashic Books, 2016) was published in July of 2015 by Planeta México under the title El manipulador. In 2013 El precio de la fuga (Guatemala: F y G Editores) was published and in 2012 CIDCLI published his children’s book La Casita in Mexico.
French poet. Wrote the introduction to the first collection of poems translated to the French Language. The book was translated in 1939 but was not published until after World War II.
Contributor and Content Supervisor; Director, Writer's Archive and Mistral's Legacy at the National Library of Chile; member of the Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc.'s Advisory Board.
Former Ambassador of Sweden in Chile, is presently the President of the Swedish Branch of Operation 1325 working on a UN resolution underlining the importance of women in armed conflicts and prevention), and as of January 2015 is the President of the Swedish Chilean Institute of Culture in Sweden. During her time as Ambassador in Chile, Ms. Zetterberg had an important role in promoting Mistral’s impact in Sweden.
EDITORS : Marjorie Agosin & Gloria Garafulich-Grabois
CONTRIBUTORS: Doris Atkinson - Hno. Jaime Campos Fonseca, Jonathan Cohen Theodoro Elssaca -Lily Garafulic - Cecilia Morel Montes - Beritta Sjoberg -
David Unger - Paul Valéry - Pedro Pablo Zegers - Eva Zettenberg
Agustin Goenaga, photographer - Jacqueline Unanue, visual artist
MARJORIE AGOSIN has won multiple awards for her writing and has added a unique personal perspective to this novel. Marjorie Agosín was raised in Chile by Jewish parents. Agosín’s writings demonstrate a unique blending of these cultures. She has received the Letras de Oro Prize for her poetry, presented by Spain’s Ministry of Culture to writers of Hispanic heritage living in the United States. Her writings about, and humanitarian work for, women in Chile have been the focus of feature articles in “The New York Times,” “The Christian Science Monitor,” and “Ms.” Magazine. She has also won the Latino Literature Prize for her poetry and is a Spanish professor at Wellesley College.
GLORIA GARAFULICH-GRABOIS's areas of personal interest include a life-long commitment to international relations, women's and children's issues and all the disciplines of the arts -literature, visual arts, music, etc.-- in particular in relation to Gabriela Mistral, women in the arts and Chile and Latin America's culture and volunteer work.
As Director of the Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc., wrote, produced and directed the documentary "Gabriela Mistral: Her Life, Her Legacy" (English and Spanish versions) which was launched at a special event at The New York Times. She is also the Founder and International Director of the Chapter in Chile of the National Museum of Women in the Arts (based in WDC); serves as Project Director of GoMed a division of International Surgical Mission Support and is on the Executive Board of the Croatian Academy of America.
She also wrote, directed and produced the documentaries: "Lily Garafulic: In her own words" (26 min.), (2014), and Lily Garafulic: A Life . . ." (60 min.) (2015).
Las editoras agradecen a las personas e instituciones que han alentado y apoyado esta iniciativa y con cuyo apoyo la publicacion de este libro ha sido posible.
The editors are grateful to the individuals and organizations we have encouraged and supported this initiative and with whose support the publication of this book is possible.
Mr. Tim Kingston, New York, NY
Fondo Franciscano Hermana Gabriela Mistral, Chile
Fernanda Meza, Chile
Elena Manriquez Dagnino, Chile
Jacqueline Nanfito, US
Revista Atenea, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Jacqueline Unanue, US
* Fondo Franciscano Hermana Gabriela Mistral de la Orden Franciscana de Chile por otorgar
permiso para la publicación de los poemas y escritos incluidos.
We are grateful to Fondo Franciscano Hermana Gabriela Mistral of the Franciscan Order of Chile for issuing permission to publish the poems and writings included in the book.
Agustin Goenaga
* Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Archivo Fotografico Histórico
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Historical Photographic Archive
*Biblioteca Nacional de Chile, Archivo del Escritor
National Library of Chile, Writer's Archive
*Academia Sueca, Archivo Nobel, Suecia
The Swedish Academy, The Nobel Archives, Sweden
*Museo de Arte Colonial San Francisco, Chile
Saint Francis Colonial Art Museum, Chile