The Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc. announces the publication of a
Special Commemorative Bilingual Edition in Commemoration
of the
From Chile to the World--70 years of Gabriela Mistral’s Nobel Prize
De Chile al Mundo--70 años del Premio Nobel de Gabriela Mistral
Edited by Marjorie Agosín & Gloria Garafulich-Grabois
FROM CHILE TO THE WORLD: 70 years of Gabriela Mistral’s Nobel Prize
DE CHILE AL MUNDO: 70 años del Premio Nobel de Gabriela Mistral
A publication of the Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc.
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015914901
ISBN-10: 0692531386
ISBN-13: 978-0692531389
Soft Cover:
Library of Congress Control Number: 2015913417
ISBN 10: 0692497625
ISBN 13: 978 -0-692-497623-3
NEW YORK, November 7, 2015 -- In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Gabriela Mistral’s Nobel Prize, the Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc. announces the publication of a special -side-by-side- bilingual edition commemorating this important milestone for Chile, the Americas and the world. The book, “From Chile to the World: 70 years of Gabriela Mistral’s Nobel Prize” - “De Chile al Mundo: 70 años del Premio Nobel de Gabriela Mistral,” edited by Marjorie Agosin and Gloria Garafulich-Grabois, includes 480 pages of biographical and archival information; poems; prose; special contributions; photographs and references. The book, a non-for-profit publication to benefit the projects and programs of the Gabriela Mistral Foundation celebrates and highlights Mistral’s literary humanitarian work as well as the impact her writings and her thought had and continues to have in the world. This project has been possible with the generous support of the Elqui Valley Foundation.
The book was launched in the United States at a special event on October 28, 2015 at 6:00 pm. The event was presented by the Gabriela Mistral Foundation, the Elqui Valley Foundation, the Organization of American States, the Permanent Mission of Chile to the OAS, the Embassy of Chile to the United States and the Art Museum of the Americas.
Lucila Godoy Alcayaga, known to the world as Gabriela Mistral was born 1889 in the city of Vicuña. She was a self-taught educator, poet, diplomat and humanitarian. The central theme of her poems are about death and sorrow, children and her beloved Chile. She wrote extensively on behalf of the rights of children, education, women and native people. In 1945, she was the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature, the first Latin American to be recognized with this award and to date the only Latin American woman who holds this honor. She played an important role in the educational systems of Chile and Mexico, was active in cultural committees of the League of Nations, and was Consul of Chile in New York, Naples, Madrid, Petropolis and Lisbon. She held honorary degrees from Columbia University (NY), Mills College, 1947 (Oakland, CA), and from the Universities of Florence, and Guatemala and was an honorary member of various cultural societies in Chile as well as in the United States, Spain, and Cuba. She taught Spanish Literature in the United States at Barnard College of Columbia University, Middlebury College, Vassar College, and at the University of Puerto Rico. Mistral died in 1957 in the City of New York while serving as Consul of Chile. Her writings and her work left an important mark in Chile, Latin America and the world and they are as important now as they were more than 70 years ago.
Founded in the City of New York in 2007, the Gabriela Mistral Foundation carries on the legacy of Gabriela Mistral, particularly her love and care of the children and the aged of her native country, Chile. For this purpose, the Foundation awards monetary grants to qualifying institutions that make an impact on the quality of life and/or education of Chilean children and the aged. The Gabriela Mistral Foundation also promotes the life, thought and work of Gabriela Mistral by holding special programs and events in Chile and in the United States. The Foundation is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization incorporated in the State of New York. For more information, please visit:
Named after the breathtaking Elqui Valley of Chile, the beloved first home of Gabriela Mistral, this private foundation is dedicated to providing opportunities through the funding of scholarships and supporting community projects. In addition, the foundation has provided substantial disaster relief aid in Chile and in other parts of the world. Since its inception in 1999, the Elqui Valley Foundation has centered its mission on providing the empowering gift of education and in this manner it honors the legacy of Gabriela Mistral.