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announcing a special bilingual edition in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of gabriela Mistral's nobel Prize

The Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc. announces the publication of a special -side-by-side- bilingual edition in commemoration of the 70th anniversary of Gabriela Mistral’s Nobel Prize in Literature--the first Latin American and to date the only Latin American woman to have received this award. A milestone for Chile, the Americas and the world.


The book,  “From Chile to the World: 70 years of Mistral’s Nobel Prize” - “De Chile al Mundo: 70 años del Premio Nobel de Mistral,” edited by Marjorie Agosin and Gloria Garafulich-Grabois, includes 480 pages of biographical and archival information; poems; prose; special contributions; photographs and references. The book, a not-for-profit  publication to benefit the projects and programmes of the Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc., celebrates and highlights Mistral’s literary humanitarian work as well as the impact her writings and her thought had and continues to have in the world. This project has been possible with the generous support of the Elqui Valley Foundation.

October 28, 2015 - Organization of American States, Washinngton DC

Presented by the

Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc. & the Elqui Valley Foundation

in collaboration with the

Art Museum of the Americas of the Organization of American States; Embassy of Chile, WDC & the Permanent Mission of Chile to the OAS

Book Presentation and Moderator: Barbara Mujica

Conversation: Marjorie Agosin & Gloria Garafulich-Grabois

MC:  Andres Navia

November 3, 2015 - Oxford University, Oxford, UK

Presented by the

Embassy of Chile, UK; St. Catherine's College, Oxford University, the Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc. & the Elqui Valley Foundation


Welcome and presentation:  Dr. Benjamin Bollig

Book Presentation: Dr. Catherine Boyle

Conversation: Marjorie Agosin & Gloria Garafulich-Grabois

November 5, 2015 - University College London, UK

Presented by the

Embassy of Chile, UK; University College London; the Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc. & the Elqui Valley Foundation


With the participation of:

Dr. Catherine Boyle, King's College London

Dr. Jo Crow, University of Bristol, UK

Dr. Karen Benavente, University of Glasgow, Scotland


Marjorie Agosin & Gloria Garafulich-Grabois

November 6, 2015 - Nobel Museum, Stockholm, Sweden

Presented by the

Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc., the Elqui Valley Foundation; the Nobel Museum, Stockholm, Embassy of Chile, Sweden and the Swedish Chilean Institute of Culture.


With the participation of:

Mrs. Marlin Larsson

"Katharina Women's Choir," singing Mistral's poems

Ambassador Jose Goñi

Mrs. Eva Zetterberg

Mr. Jan Hammarlund


Mrs. Yvonne Blanck & Gloria Garafulich-Grabois

November 28, 2015 - Frankfurt, Germany

Gabriela y los niños

Poesia, juegos y pintura para celebrar los 70 años del

Nobel de Gabriela Mistral

presented by

El Árbol que Crece, Consulado de Chile-Frankfurt, Instituto Cervantes Frankfurt & Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc.


El Mercurio, 29 de noviembre, 2015

December 9, 2015 - Santiago, Chile

Encuentros El Mercurio, Santiago, Chile

Presented by

Encuentros El Mercurio and Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc.

With the participation of:

Floridor Perez, writer and professor

Luis Vargas Saavedra, writer and academic

Gloria Garafulich-Grabois

Moderator:Dr. Marilu Ortiz de Rozas


December 10, 2015 - Santiago, Chile

Metro de Santiago, Chile

Presented by

Metro de Santiago, Biblioteca Nacional de Chile

with the sponsorship of the

Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc.




December 10, 2015 - Santiago, Chile

Homage to Gabriela MIstral

& presentation of "Viajeros por la Historia y la Cultura"

Presented by

Viajes El Corte Inglés &  Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc.

with the sponsorship of Fundación Telefónica




December 10, 2015 - Montegrande, Chile & California

Homage to Gabriela Mistral

& a joint "live" celebration of

the children of Escuela Gabriela Mistral, Montegrande & Gabriela Mistral Elementary School, California

Presented by

Gabriela Mistral Elementary School, California &

Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc. in collaboration with the Department of Education of Paihuano, Chile and Escuela Gabriela Mistral, Montegrande







December 10, 2015 - Frankfurt, Germany

Homenaje a Gabriela Mistral

"Poesia, Jazz & Vino"


Presented by

El Arbol que Crece, Consulado de Chile, Frankfurt, Instituto Cervantes Frankfurt & Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc.


The celebration includes the publication of a special bilingual edition spanish-german of a selection of Mistral's poetry

Edited & Selected by Carolina Roldán-Majewski - Translations by  Ingward Bey & Hugo Arévalo
Photography & Design: Antonio Wilson del Mar
Cover: Benjamín Gallego


and the presentation of the German subtitled version of the Gabriela Mistral Foundation's documentary "Gabriela Mistral: su vida, su legado"






December 10, 2015 - Santiago, Chile

Visita & Donación | Liceo Teresa Prats

Presented by

Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc. & Viajes El Corte Ingles


Gabriela Mistral was appointed to be the first Principal of this school for girls. In her will, Gabriela MIstral left a few personal items --including her Bible -- to the school. In 1957, the school established Fundacion Gabriela MIstral




December 10, 2015 - Talca, Chile

Presentación: "De Chile al Mundo"

& presentación de corto: "Lily Garafulic & Gabriela Mistral"


Sala Lily Garafulic, Espacio Bicentenario

Presented by

Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc. & Universidad de Talca






December 15 - New York, NY

Celebrating Gabriela Mistral


Presentation of the book: "From Chile to the World"

Photo exhibit: "The Children of Gabriela | The Chile of Mistral"

and the premiere of an excerpt of

Los Jaivas' documentary "Mamalluca"-inspired in

Gabriela Mistral and the Elqui Valley


Presenter and Moderator: Marisol Inzunza, Journalist

Presented by

Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc,  the Elqui Valley Foundation

and Instituto Cervantes New York

in collaboration with Los Jaivas

and Wines of Chile






December  & January - Santiago, Chile

Celebrating "Gabriela Mistral"


Teatro La Negra Maria presents:

"Niños que fueron grandes"

Manuel, LUCILA, Baldomero

at Anfiteatro Bellas Artes


sponsored by the Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc. and other organizations








Gabriela Mistral Foundation's collaboration with the 

Directorate of Cultural Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Chile and the National Library




As part of the special events and activities celebrating the 70th anniversary of Mistral's Nobel Prize the Foundation collaborated in the following projects:


* Exhibit: Gabriela Mistral: Daughter of the New World

Translation of 13 panels highlighting the Nobel Prize

The exhibit was at the Embassy of Chile from October 7 to November 3


* Participation in lectures in Oxford and London, UK

On November 3 & 5 respectively










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