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Celebrating our first ten years



Please Support our Mission

The Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc. is a 501 ( c ) non profit organization incorporated in the State of New York. 

There are 2 ways you can support our mission and our work:

1) by making a tax-deductible online donation, and 
2) by sending a tax-deductible donation by check 


Please Support our work by making an online TAX DEDUCTIBLE GIFT
Tax-Deductible donation by check

You can also support our work and our mission by sending us a tax-deductible donation by check payable to the:

          Gabriela Mistral Foundation, Inc.

           Kings Bridge Station

           P. O. Box 32

           Bronx, NY 10463

Thank you for helping us to continue the legacy of Gabriela Mistral

Contact Us


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