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Celebrating our first ten years




"The legacy of Gabriela Mistral is now part of our city"

"El legado de Gabriela Mistral es ahora parte de nuestra ciudad"

Carmen Fariña,


New York City Department of Education

"The city of New York was of great importance to Mistral. It is the city that offered her the first opportunity to achieve the summit of literature with the publication of her first collection ‘Desolación’ in 1922 in the city of New York. In this city she taught, was a diplomat, humanitarian and where she wrote her famous letter “Appeal for a Child,” which became the basis for the founding of UNICEF, and where she lived the final years of her life. This important initiative of the Foundation has become a reality thanks to the great collaboration with the Department of Education. The Foundation is committed to highlight and promote the literary and humanitarian legacy of Gabriela Mistral; the relevance of her thought in Chile, in the Americas and the world. We are also committed to offer new opportunities to children and seniors in need. The Gabriela Mistral Campus is a great honour for Mistral, for Chile, the Americas and, a great accomplishment for our Foundation.” 

Gloria Garafulich-Grabois


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